How to work with MySQL databases

If you have a hosting account with us, you can use the information below to create a MySQL database. Ensure to note down the database name, username, and password details. These will be needed by the software using the database.
- login to the website control panel
- create the database:
- regular hosting accounts:
- allocate your database password (store this in a secure location)
- click Web Tools
- click MySQL Manager
- click Add
- enter the database name (tip: add a number to the prefix provided)
- enter the database password allocated earlier
- click Next Step
- note the database username displayed on the confirmation screen
- click OK
- You cannot specify your database username. This is displayed when the database is first set up. You can view it later by clicking Details in the MySQL Manager section of your control panel.
- To administer the database, access phpMyAdmin from the Web Tools page of your control panel. When logging into phpMyAdmin, use the database username and password, not your hosting account username and password.
- To change the database password, use MySQL Manager (under Web Tools, as above) - click the Password link next to the database you want to work with.
- To connect to the database with scripts, use the connection details below:
hostname hostname port 3306 database name (as specified by you) username (as specified by the control panel) password (as specified by you) Note that in the above hostname setting, "hostingaccountusername" should be replaced with your hosting account username. For example, if your hosting account username is "blazingfibre", then your hostname will be Do not use your database username to replace "hostingaccountusername", use your hosting account username (the username used to log into your control panel).
- Pro hosting accounts:
- allocate your database name, username and password (store these in a secure location)
- under Databases, click MySQL Databases
- in the New Database box, enter a unique name for the database (eg. blog)
- click Create Database
- on the Database Created screen, click Back
- in the MySQL Users section, in the Username box, enter a unique name for the database user (eg. blog)
- enter and confirm a password
- click Create a User
- on the User Created screen, click Back
- in the Add User to Database section, select the name of the database just created, and the name of the user just created
- click the Add button
- tick the privileges to assign to this user
- click the Make Changes button
- You cannot specify your database password. To manage the database, login via phpMyAdmin.
- To administer the database, access phpMyAdmin from the home screen of your control panel (under "Databases").
- The MySQL Database Wizard proceeds though the above process, one screen at a time.
- To change the user's password, click MySQL Databases (under Databases on the home screen) - click the Set Password link next to the username you want to work with.
- To connect to the database with scripts, use the connection details below:
hostname hostname (use the server's IP address) port 3306 database name (as specified by you) username (as specified by you) password (as specified by you) Note that in the above settings, database name and username should be prefixed with your hosting account username, separated by an underscore. For example, if your hosting account username is "blazingfibre", your database name is "blog" and your username is "blog" then your database name and username will both be blazingfibre_blog. Do not use your database username to prefix these settings, use your hosting account username (the username used to log into your control panel).
- regular hosting accounts: